The Personal Transformation Project
I always thought I was being guided, I just didn’t totally believe my thoughts were 100% reliable. I’d meditate, get into a very relaxed state, then practice automatic channeling. I have filled volumes of journals from these channeling experiences, most of which I have never even gone back to read.
When I channel, I hear a voice in my mind, and I just write down exactly what I hear. I can also ask a question, and I receive a detailed response. Because of these experiences, I assumed the one responding was my spirit guide or my higher self. But for the longest time, I was never 100% sure it wasn’t just me hearing my own thoughts.

Not until I had to totally surrender, did I know for certain I was being guided. Normally, I travel all summer to festivals, selling handmade, fair trade clothing and jewelry.
But since my festivals were all canceled due to COVID, I was home learning online marketing to generate e commerce sales. For the past 10 years, all my income has come from 5 fast and furious months of festival sales. Now, I was in deep trouble, as I had no idea how to sell online. This time, I only had my faith to guide me forward.
I felt the tightness in my chest as I watched the money in my bank account go down and down and down. Still, I was not in my red zone yet. I was sure I could turn things around with some online marketing training. I figured there would be enough sales online to coast me through till the next season.
But that’s when I got the email….
It was my accountant. He said I owed $10,000 worth of taxes and I had to start paying immediately. We had the best season, in the history of our business last year, but I’ve NEVER had to pay that kind of tax before! Somehow it usually all got zeroed out in the end and I rarely owed much of anything.
But not this time. This time I had to pay, and I knew I didn’t have it.
I had $7,000 left in my account, and I owed $10,000. I didn’t have an income per say, except for the few sales, trickling in online.
In a single moment, I decided, with every cell in my body, I would turn this around. I was no longer willing to half ass my life and be a victim of my own circumstances. Right then and there, my transformation began.
It became clear to me in my mediation, I was to use my own transformation to help others attain theirs. Step-by-step, I would share everything working for me as I transform. I would be a guide for others so they could transform as well. I want them to be able to feel the realness of my words when I say, if I can do this, so can you.

For the past 25 years, I have wanted to help people figure out who they are, why they are here and what their soul purpose is. Not knowing another way, I became a psychotherapist. But that wasn’t playing full out for me. I wanted to be a transformational leader, I just never felt worthy enough to do it. But last week, I had a major breakthrough, completely unblocking a feeling I held of unworthiness. Now, I literally feel unstoppable. Besides, I have nothing left to lose.
I decided to follow this vision with my whole heart and change my business focus, from a fair trade, clothing and jewelry company, to a personal transformation company who also sells clothing and jewelry. We create unique and comfortable styles, for people who prefer, an off-the-beaten-path-lifestyle.
I knew if this were to work, I would need to use every single tool I’ve ever learned, in the hundreds of personal development books I’ve ever read and all my life experiences. I would need to integrate all of them with a total commitment and a fierce determination to see my own transformation through.
When I surrendered, and jumped in with both feet, I could feel my guides, more real than ever. I could feel their excitement for me, like they have been waiting for me to fully commit to this passionate vision I’ve had for the past 25 years.
Now, I am putting this whole project on autopilot and letting my guides take the wheel. I am building habits and routines each morning, which are in alignment with what I have learned as the most effective methods for creating success and abundance in life. I have systems in place for support, like a 6 week Lifebook course that will have me write out in detail, my beliefs, my vision, my why, my purpose and my action plan in all 12 areas of my life.
I’m tracking the exact actions I’m taking so I can share this journey with others. My goal is to help as many people as possible with their own transformations.
I have a huge vision I want to create within the next 3 years, or sooner. I plan to go from having an almost failing business, being flat broke and 20lbs. overweight, to owning a transformational retreat center with financial abundance and a fit athletic body, I feel proud of.
The main difference this time, is I have everything on the line. My WHY is more compelling than ever before. I either have to get a job, and work for someone else's dreams, or I have to turn my life around and create mine. This time I am all in, 100%, totally committed to this vision.

I don’t have it all figured out just yet. Yesterday was day 1, of my personal transformation project. So far, what I have, is a FB group where I can invite people to join me on this transformational journey. I will use the space to post about what’s working for me, and help anyone in the group to make their own changes, step by step.
What I need are partners, cheerleaders, and supporters to share this journey with and to hold myself accountable to. I am giving my word here, at the highest level of my integrity and committing to changing my life. I want you to witness me in this transformation, so I may serve the world I came here to serve.